Training for a Semiskilled Trade (TST)
About TST
Training for a Semiskilled Trade (TST) is a one-year program. TST program offers students the opportunity to focus their academic efforts on the three core academic subjects: English Language Arts, Mathematics and French Second Language, while at the same time training for a specific Semiskilled Trade.
The work placement component of the program is compulsory. The experience students gain in the work force is an important part of the learning process and helps reinforce academic skills in a real-world context.
Students who successfully complete the TST program will receive an official Training Certificate for a Semiskilled Trade (TCST) granted by the Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec. The TCST indicates the specific Semiskilled Trade in which the student received training.
Students may continue their academic education in the adult education sectors. If students meet certain conditions, they may also transition into specific, designated vocational training / trades programs.