Music Concentration
The Program
The Music Concentration Program is designed to give students the opportunity to enjoy ensemble music through performing in a concert band (made up of woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments). Music Concentration students develop the techniques and knowledge of both musical theory and musical practice as well as the discipline required of a performing musician. Music Concentration students pursue excellence as musicians and endeavour to become outstanding school citizens by participating in concerts, festivals and other events organized throughout the year.
Read and write music
Play the instrument with a pleasant tone and a good sense of rhythm
Communicate emotions and ideas through musical performance
Follow the rules of ensemble playing
Recognize and name various musical signs and symbols
Make connections between performance and listening to and appreciating music
Play and study music from a variety of genres
Criteria for Entry:
Students should have some basic musical knowledge, having taken music in Secondary 1 and/or Secondary 2, or from private music lessons. It is not necessary to have previously played a wind instrument.
Each student will be assigned an instrument to play and must take care to keep it clean and in its case. Players of wind instruments are able to take the instrument home.
Music Concentration students are expected to practice on their own regularly and to keep and submit a monthly practice journal.
All materials and equipment belonging to the music department must be paid for if lost or broken/damaged.
Extra rehearsals as needed after school are obligatory.
Each student is expected to be dressed appropriately with band polo, black pants and shoes for every performance.
There are two competencies for music:
Creates Musical Works – Performs Musical Works
Appreciates Musical Works
Evaluations will include any or all of the following:
In-class assignments on reading and writing music
Research assignments
Individual performance
Group performance (school concert, sectional work in class)
Practice journal
Participation in class and in Excellence-related events.
Concentration Fees
In addition to regular school fees, a music concentration fee will be charged to cover the cost of possible coaching by specialists, workshops, participation in music festivals, transportation and uniform (polo shirt). All fees are subject to the approval of the Governing Board.
Activities | The Laval Senior Academy (LSA) Concert Band
The main goal of the Music Concentration Program is for students to have fun playing music together. The Music Concentration students of Secondary 3, 4 and 5 join together to form the LSA Concert Band. We love to share our enthusiasm for music with others so performances take place on a regular basis.
These are our main events:
November | Rock of Ages (rock concert, school-wide involvement)
December | Concert for family and friends
January | Concert tour of Sir Wilfrid Laurier elementary schools in Laval
February | Coaching sessions with specialists on instrument
March | Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board Honour Band Day (collaboration with other high school music programs)
April | MusicFest Quebec (achieved Gold Standard in 2018)
May | Concert for family and friends
Want a printout of our flyer? Click on the document below!